$40.00 CAD

Meta Ads Bootcamp

After going through this course, you will:

✔️ set up your Business Manager and Ads Manager effectively (the tech part!)

✔️ know the difference between campaigns, ad sets, and ads

✔️ understand how a successful Ads funnel works 

✔️ learn about our proven *5 Ad Objective Formula*

✔️ be able to create your own funnel easily and seamlessly! 

✔️ be able to utilize an affordable budget and understand your ROI (return on investment)

Jump on in! 

What People Are Saying:

I have tried over and over again to launch ads, and have been so frustrated at times. My ads have been rejected for no apparent reason. I now understand – THE FUNNEL. Take this course. You won’t be disappointed!

M.S. - Real Estate Agent

Facebook Ads have given me a headache for years. I always attempt to run ads, then lose my patience. I took this course, and it provided me with so much insight into how this all works – and the most important part is having Business Manager and Ads Manager set up for success. The campaigns need to be set up in a particular way as well.

W.I. - Mortgage Broker

I never really thought I could run my own ads, and always believed I needed to throw lots of money at Facebook to see some ROI. What I have learned, however, is that it is not about the budget, it is about how it is used to achieve results. Take this program – it is well worth the $

L.P. - Lawyer